Tuesday 16 September 2014

Contact Studios ‘Reunion’ Culture Night on Friday 19th September, 2014.

Preparations are well under way for our opening on Culture Night.  The studio has taken the opportunity to invite past members back to show their work with us. Twenty-five past members have submitted work along with the 14 permanent members of the studio.  The studio has been transformed for a work space to a gallery space for this one night, and looks great!

Everyone is welcome to come along on the Culture Night to join us as we celebrate 17 years in existence. The studio is open from 5.00pm. until 10.00p.m.

The poster below lists all the artists taking part.


Saturday 13 September 2014

'idir' Launch - Thursday, 18th October, 2014, at the Innovation Centre Trinity College, 3 Foster Place, Dublin

idir is a diverse group of artists which formed in October 2013. We came together through the ‘Profitable Artist Bootcamp’, which was organised and run by the Centre for Creative Practice in Dublin in conjunction with The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA).

idir will launch on the 18th October, 2014, at the Innovation Center Trinity College, 3 Foster Place, Dublin.  The launch event titled ‘A Protean Pop Up’ runs from 5.30pm. until 9.00 pm. and will be an evening of performance, participation, visual art, music,  film and poetry.  All the artists who are part of the group are listed on the invite below…. Including myself!

This launch previews the group’s upcoming exhibition in The New York Foundation for the Arts exhibition space in the Dumbo area of New York, a vibrant artistic and literary area. The New York  show runs from the 9th October 2014 to the 30th January 2015.

Engage, Longford: Culture Night, 19th September, 2014.

A little while ago I delivered some work to Engage, Longford, for their exhibition on Culture Night. What a great space they have there to show work.  It’s a former hardware shop, and their exhibition space is on the second floor.  Really open and bright.  Engage is an artists led not-for-profit initiative that provide exhibition opportunities for graduates and emerging artists.  I am delighted that they will include some of my work for Culture Night.

There are six artist showing on the night. You can keep up to date with the Culture Night exhibition and all their upcoming events on their Facebook page. 