Sunday 8 September 2013

Second Annual Limerick Postgraduate Research Conference

This Conference titled "What is the value of postgraduate research today? The Applicability of Postgraduate Research in Ireland" took place at the University of Limerick on the 6th June, 2013. The conference gives postgraduate students a chance to present their work and to meet students from a wide range of disciplines studying at LIT and UL.

I showed a selection of work from my MA show at the conference and found the feedback from delegates really useful. As always, it’s great to have opportunities to exhibit work in different venues as it only comes alive when it has an audience.

Monday 2 September 2013

Drawing on the back of an Envelope

The above image was shown in an exhibition at Linenhall Arts Centre in Castlebar, Co. Mayo. The exhibition was curated by Ian Wieczorek and called ‘Drawing on the back of an Envelope’.  The exhibition played on the notion that sometimes a good idea or project begins with a sketch on the back of an envelope, and was a way of celebrating drawing.  The show was presented in association with Linenhall’s National Drawing Day Programme. The exhibition ran from 18th to 25th May, 2013.